Tuesday, March 29, 2011

under construction


hello friends,
just a quick note to say I am alive, and very well.

I started my new job six weeks ago, and it's getting better after a few weeks
of feeling a little overwhelmed and not quite knowing where I fit in.

we moved into our apartment a month ago, and while it's still lacking essential living room furniture
our boxes from NY finally arrived two weeks ago and most things are more or less unpacked.
it's a very nice apartment, and we feel incredibly lucky that it's ours.

on thursday we're going to London for the weekend for a friend's wedding,
it's my first time back in over 1 1/2 years and I can't wait to see our friends and the city.

more soon!


  1. juhu, ein foto aus dem neuen heim. man sieht, da sind architekten am werk :)
    und was für ein schöner holzboden (will ich auch so gern).
    gaaanz viel spass in london. meine schwester ist noch bis sommer in brighton, und ich hab es leider noch nicht geschafft das für einen londontrip zu nutzen...

  2. is this the space for your sofa?!
    have fun in london town. spring a great time of year to be there.

  3. oh, das sieht jetzt schon gemütlich aus. der bär-print ist toll! bin gespannt auf wie es aussehen wird, wenn alles fertig ist. viel spaß in london :)

  4. Happy to see you back and to hear things are going well! Have fun in London!

  5. Ah ! Happy to see you back !!!! can't wait to hear your london stories.

  6. looking good! (schön, wieder von dir zu hören/sehen!)
