Wednesday, February 9, 2011

almost home

almost home

it's time for a little update I think. how have you been?

I'm doing well, things are slowly settling into place here
a little more than a month after we arrived.

we're slowly getting used to the quiet nights without sirens, honking and car alarms,
to trams that make no sound running in their tracks,
to speaking german everywhere (and to being understood everywhere,
which is a little dangerous if you're not used to it!),
to being able to walk most places.
we've been eating insane amounts of sausages and pretzels,
and the excitement of shopping in german bakeries has not worn off yet (oh, I had missed them SO much).
it's nice to be in our friends' and families' time zone again, and to call anytime.

we've been looking at many many apartments in the last weeks,
and while it's not official yet, it looks like one of them might work out this week.
it will be so nice to have our own place again.

a couple of weekends ago we flew up north to see my parents and my grandmother,
and we drove back with the boxes that I stored in my parents' attic five years ago.
I have only unpacked a few things since we are in a temporary apartment right now,
but it was so nice to see a few old friends, like my Tivoli radio.
I can't wait to have our boxes from NY arrive and, for the first time,
have all our belongings in one place.

and while I can't quite call it home just yet
I feel that we've arrived in the right place to stay for a while,
and I know that it will only take a few months (and our own apartment),
until this new city will be home. that's all I want for now.


  1. Das hört sich alles sehr sehr gut an. Ich freue mich für dich.
    Und wenn ich in Deutschland bin werde ich auch ständig beim lästern erwischt, ups.
    Ich drücke fest die Daumen für die Wohnung!

  2. I'm happy to see you posting on your blog again, and glad to read that your move has gone/is going well!

  3. ahhhh such a beautiful text !
    Hope you'll feel more at home very soon !

  4. Good to hear you are doing well.
    I miss your photos!

  5. I can't wait to see your photos from back home. Hope things will settle down for you soon. Love the Tivoli Radio!

  6. your writing is warm and friendly.
    and lovely photo. good luck :)

  7. good to hear from you again - hope things work out with the flat. and looking forward to seeing your photos!

  8. liebe Christine...ach die zeilen sind etwas, was ich hoffe auch in ein paar Monaten, Jahren schreiben zu können..zurück, zu Freunden und Familie...weggepackten Schätzen (wie mein Tivoli), die in Kisten schlummern, Heimt Scheibe für Scheibe im Vollkornbrot erleben:) Ich freue mich für dich...und drücke euch die Daumen, dass das mit der Wohnung klappt. Einen lieben Gruß

  9. Here via Jana's blog.
    I look forward to seeing some more photos.

  10. hoorah, you're back! good luck with the settling in and everything else in your new city! nice to see you back again.
