Tuesday, November 17, 2009

please meet: m a n i fold

first of all, thank you so much for the nice comments on my last post.
they really made my day!

and then, I have a little announcement to make:
after dreaming of my own etsy shop for so long I decided to just try it while I had the time,
and I opened one a few weeks ago: m a n i fold

I don't quite know where this is heading yet,
but I'm glad to have something to do, and I really enjoy thinking about
product photography and presentation, and maybe a few new products very soon.

I've listed a few things that I made for myself or for friends before
and that I wear a lot, thinking that maybe other people would like them too.
There are also a few japanese craft books and some vintage shoes. Here are some pictures:

m a n i fold: knit necklace turquoise/gray
knit necklace turquoise/gray

m a n i fold: tote for him (or her)
tote for him (or her)

m a n i fold: lavender pillows
lavender pillows

m a n i fold: knit necklace pumpkin/gray
knit necklace pumpkin/gray

m a n i fold: lucky luke ikat scarf (sold)
lucky luke ikat scarf (already sold)

pointy vintage flats in size 9-10

Pattern Magic Vol. 2 and other japanese sewing books

I'd love you to stop by the shop and have a look!


  1. OH WOW Congrats !!!!! It is such a great idea !!!! I know it will work, definitely.
    Keep on the good work Christine !!!!

  2. Das ist ja ein Ding!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!

  3. oh that is just great news....
    congrats...: )

  4. Christine! You are so utterly talented! I love your shoppe! Your knitted necklaces are such a great idea! I can just imagine them warming my neck in the office. And lavendar sachets! I love lavendar!

    I love the photos for your products too! of course!

    how is brooklyn? Are you working in a firm now?

  5. oh how exciting! i'll be having a proper look at your shop asap. your knitted knecklaces are beautiful! i love the name you've chosen for it too. congrats!

  6. Oh, toll!
    Das sieht alles so schön aus. Ich mag die Stoffe, die du für die Lavendelkissen verwendest.
    Viel Erfolg mit deinem Laden!

  7. Hey! I only just found your blog, but I included one of your necklaces in a round up I did a week or so ago, love them!

  8. everyone:
    thanks so much for the kind words!
    I'm often a bit shy to show my own work, so this means a lot to me!

    celine: no job yet, have been looking for about a month now but things are slooow. but I'm trying to be positive about it, hence the shop...
    nyc is really nice so far, I think I prefer the city to London, but I miss my London friends so much!

    celine, mary, fiona: yes, the knitted necklaces are great for winter, they're nice and soft and make you look good lounging and napping on the sofa...

    maaret: das waren leider die fast allerletzten reste von den stoffen, ich bereue immer noch dass ich nicht mehr davon gekauft hab!

  9. oh, was für neuigkeiten! gratuliere!
    witzig: in den letzten tagen denke auch ich an etsy! bin immer noch nicht überzeugt, ob das die mühe wert wäre.. aber.. du gehst mit gutem beispiel voran ;) war es schwierig - das einrichten?
    liebe grüße!

  10. sehr schöne sachen, vor allem die ketten sind wunderschön :)
    wünsche dir viel erfolg mit dem shop!
