Friday, February 26, 2010

snow in soho



hi! it's been quiet around here,
mostly because I started working a few weeks ago.
it's not a proper paid job yet, but I'm glad to get out a bit,
and I'm learning about how things work here in the US which is very helpful,
plus getting used to the imperial system (still don't understand why anyone would use it voluntarily!).

if I'm lucky it might turn into a proper job soon,
but I'm also still looking. I really didn't think it would be this hard
when I gave up my job in London last summer.
wish me luck!

the pictures above were taken in Soho (close to where I work now)
two weeks ago during blizzard no. two of this winter.
since yesterday morning we're in the middle of blizzard no. three,
it's the most snow we've had so far and it's supposed to be snowing til tomorrow.
I'm enjoying a day off (I work four days a week), and not having to leave the house.

I wish you a great weekend!


  1. I've been living in Canada for 10 years now, and I still absolutely hate the imperial system.

    And the picturein Soho is so beautiful. I am such a Soho girl !
    lovely week end Christine !

  3. das letzte bild ist wunderschön...
    es scheint als ist der winter so langsam aber sicher vorbei hier in hamburg...dafür regnet es jetzt ; )
    ich drück dir sehr die daumen, damit das mit einem guten job klappt...hab ein schönes wochenende

  4. Best of Luck on the job Christine! I have enjoyed dropping by your site very much, you take awesome photos.

  5. P.S. I meant also to say: wonderful photos! The way you've caught the snow drifting through the air is amazing.

  6. das mit dem job freut mich riesig!! das wäre ja toll, wenn sie dich übernehmen könnten. viel, viel glück!!
