Wednesday, May 6, 2009

new things

01. right to left:
rocky mountains prints from jaimers (thanks for the recommendation, Maaret!)
elephant from unto this last in London
black bear print from Kristiana Pärn, bought at the Brooklyn Lyceum Craft Market last saturday

02. little bowl from Pearl River Mart

03. little bunny tray from Pearl River Mart

04. our window seat. I bought a piece of foam cut to fit yesterday and will make a cover out of this grey organic crossweave fabric (bought here) as soon as I get my hands on a voltage converter to plug in my english sewing machines (hopefully today).

05. wood floor in our apartment


  1. mmmh, so many lovely things!!
    ich mag die schüßel besonders!
    à propos filme und kameras, ich habe dir geschrieben wieder bei mir (türkis und magnolia), ich weiß nicht wie man's verlinkt; ich hoffe, du findest es wieder ;)
    liebe grüße,

  2. :) Just meant to say: I know these mountain prints! And then I read that you were inspired by my post. So great! I love them, too! And the elephant is so adorable! And all the other things, too...

  3. I just checked out the unto this last link. So, so beautiful design! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Der Bär ist toll!! Und alles andere auch...

  5. Love your new things. Pearl River Mart, my favorite shop in NYC!
