lake crescent on the olympic peninsula, washington.
hi! I hope you're still here after another long absence.
I haven't really been in the mood to post recently, and my google reader is overflowing with unread posts.
I also haven't been taking any pictures since september.
Other than that, I'm doing well in real life, and I hope you are, too.
thank you for the nice comments on my last posts.
I plan to stop by here more often again, especially since my favorite pictures from the trip are up next.
Ich kann mich dir nur anschliessen: wenige Fotos/zT schlappe Qualität/reader voll und ungelesen, etc etc (vielleicht ist das was kosmisches und passiert allen?)...ich werde mich auch mal wieder aufrappeln, hab noch endlos Sizilienfotos. Ach so, und ich mag deine Bilder trotzdem sehr :)